YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022
Honesty and Integrity is my motto 8183666999
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YJ Draiman Goals
Goals YJ Draiman  
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022

Jobs and the Economy – solutions – YJ Draiman r6
As Mayor of LA, how would I create jobs? We have a tremendous amount of natural resources here in Los Angeles, which we need to develop. To put it succinctly, "You can not drill for American oil and natural gas in China, Saudi Arabia or anyplace else other than America."
The more domestic energy we produce, renewable and non-renewable, the more domestic jobs we create. Moreover, jobs in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas pay more than twice the national average. At the same time, the domestic energy we produce will increase R&D in renewable energy sources, thus, increase efficiency.
Just look how far we have come in the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the past 10 years. I intend to accelerate that trend, and to take advantage of every resource possible in technology and funding. As I stated many times; “Those who control the energy supply control whole continents”; “Those who control the water sources control life”.

Americans should demand products made in the USA. We can produce a better product with better quality at a competitive price. It is my intention to provide numerous incentives to retain businesses here in Los Angeles, and to offer those incentives to bring businesses back to Los Angeles.
Employment creates revenues and saves the government money and resources by taking the unemployed off the government subsidy and social services. It also creates the “multiplier affect”, which is a snowball of economic growth.

One of my top priorities is to ensure that we continue to develop and promote renewable energy sources. Many in the natural gas industry believe the day when renewable energy dominates our energy landscape is far off. I disagree. With American ingenuity, innovation and determination, the dawn of renewable energy sources can be upon us now.
What I propose is a "do-it-all strategy" in which we focus not just on developing renewable energy, but also on the development of our abundant fossil fuels. While further technology and innovation in building construction would need to be developed, such need would also provide more jobs. More importantly, our reliance on over-priced outside energy would be decreased resulting in positive economic growth.
I would promote the design of a thermal solar system that provides energy, heat and hot water. In addition, I would initiate a new and advanced fuel technology for vehicles such as hydrogen, natural gas and ultra-capacitors for energy storage. Los Angeles wastes an enormous amount of energy and work hours due to traffic congestion. I plan on an expedient advancement of our public transit system and devise systems to reduce traffic congestion.
In urban areas: roads, sidewalks, buildings and other structures prevent rainwater from being absorbed in the ground and replenishing the aquifers. It is time for us to compensate for that loss by collecting the rain runoff into retaining ponds. We need to implement the use of rainwater harvesting, gray water technology, collecting the billions of gallons of rain runoff into retaining ponds, desalinization projects powered totally by renewable energy (solar and wind combo systems) and other methods of conserving natural resources. As such, we would make existing renewable systems more cost effective and more efficient.

The result of my programs would be the increase of jobs, the decrease of energy and operating costs, and a reduction of our reliance on foreign oil. That in turn would result in decreasing the deficit and creating permanent jobs.
In short, the key to Los Angeles economic recovery is not an increase in taxes and fees. Rather, true long-term recovery will rely on the increase of efficiency and productivity; the reduction of bureaucracy; and the promotion of businesses and employment. All of which will instill confidence in our economy, generate greater revenues for the city of Los Angeles and other governmental entities.
American confidence in government is at an all time low. We no longer have the same level of faith in our institutions and leaders that we once had. Consequently, we are seeing a continued erosion of our outlook on the future. This outlook must change by initiating a massive and sound education program that produces innovation and technology.

We have an opportunity to jumpstart our economy, protect our environment and put our city on the path toward energy security through greater use of our domestic energy production such as natural gas. Our domestic energy production can serve as a foundation for our energy and economic independence. This path will enable us to develop the required innovation and production of other forms of energy sources.
To realize a course toward energy and economic security we must do what is necessary to instill confidence in the responsible development of our energy sources. We can use natural gas as a solid foundation on which to develop extensive R&D in renewable energy sources, and the efficient means to operate and maintain the mechanisms needed for such use.
Improving our educational system is the key to our economic survival. In a global, knowledge-driven economy, there is a direct correlation between engineering education and innovative progress. Our success or failure as a city will be measured by how well we do in providing the needed educational tools to promote innovation in all fields.
Leadership is not a birthright. Despite what many Americans believe, our city does not possess an innate knack for greatness. Greatness must be worked for and won by each new generation. Right now that is not happening. However, we still have time. If we place the emphasis we should on education, research and innovation, we can lead the world in the decades to come. Nevertheless, the only way to ensure we remain great tomorrow is to increase our investment in science and engineering today. In addition, we must invest in trade schools to train our future workers in the new and old technology.
We have to learn how to balance the need of the people vs. the need to protect the environment. Any extreme to either side is not good.
In today’s fast moving technologies, government as well as companies must learn to adjust and maneuver quickly to keep pace, or they will be out of business or incur deteriorating revenues and infrastructure. We must learn how stay competitive and resourceful to survive and thrive economically.
I submit: Leadership by example. I plan to cut waste, maximize productivity, reduce bureaucracy, increase efficiency and conservation in all city departments and assets, eliminate duplicating tasks and reward excellent performance and innovative methods of job performance. In addition, we have to use the Neighborhood Council’s more effectively; they are the eyes and ears of all the communities in Los Angeles. These are hard economic times; we must all put our shoulder to the task.

We must put all our differences aside and work together in harmony for the good of the people and the city of Los Angeles. Your vote for me will be one more step in this positive direction and it will be a win for all the people in LA.

YJ Draiman

"Let us take back our city and make it Los Angeles governed by the people for the people"

“A vote for DRAIMAN is a vote for you”

Los Angeles Mayoral Elections 2022
Current 4th term Elected Member of the Northridge East Neighborhood Council with the goal of
active public service to make the Valley a safer and better place to live, work, and raise a family.
“Transparency and accountability is my motto”
Decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world for many generations into the future. Ensuring that decisions being made about our energy, water, and natural resources are sustainable is central to this belief. This also applies to political, financial and economic decisions that affect/obligates current and future generations.

VOTE (March 7, 2017 Election)

Contact: DraimanForMayor@yjdraiman.org 818-366-6999



Draiman Mayoral Candidate Interview - Dec. 24, 2012 - YouTube

2 days ago
YJ Draiman - LA Mayoral Candidate 2013 TV Interview December 24, 2012. www.draimanformayor2013.com.

An Independent is someone who wants to take the politics out of politics.
As citizens of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law-givers and the law-abiding, the beginning and the end.
Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.
Every age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of the things that are to be.

Draiman’s Plan for LA’s Economic Prosperity
Draiman believes that businesses – not government – are the chief engine of job creation and economic growth in LA. With a particular focus on small and innovative businesses, Draiman will focus on creating an environment that helps businesses to thrive by ending redundant regulations, simplifying the way small businesses interact with City government, and opening City contracts to the best qualified rather than the best connected.
LA’s strength and economic vitality are directly tied to the health and livability of its neighborhoods – communities where people can live, work and stay. Creating healthy communities and neighborhood jobs and investments, require careful planning and systematic implementation. Draiman’s plan will make sure planning efforts are coordinated and backed by sufficient resources to deliver results.

Draiman's Plan for LA’s Energy Efficiency
Investments in weatherization and efficiency upgrades create jobs, lower household utility bills, make LA businesses more competitive and lessen our impact on the environment. Reducing LA’s energy demand also keeps money in people’s pockets and in the region’s economy.
Nearly 9,000 LA buildings underwent significant retrofits in 2010. Draiman wants to triple that number by creating a $20 million fund that allows current programs to be significantly scaled and expanded. The city’s investment is projected to leverage an additional $120 million in outside resources from LADWP, The Southern California Gas Co., and various governmental and lending institutions. The plan is estimated to create more than 700 good-paying jobs and reduce harmful carbon emissions by more than 7,000 tons – the equivalent of cutting our gas consumption by 818,000 gallons annually.
Draiman’s plan begins by designating a two dozen Energy Efficiency Target Zones in areas that are shown to be least energy efficient, and selects an anchor organization in each area to act as a one-stop-shop to significantly increase efficiency projects. He then creates a $20 million fund to support efforts in each zone so that local building owners can leverage an additional $200 million in private and public funds. Finally, the plan sets a firm deadline to complete an online one-stop-shop so that every Los Angelinos can easily navigate the funding options to make efficiency improvements in their own homes and businesses.
Draiman, Yj
Designate a dozen Energy Efficiency Target Zones
Certain parts of the city are particularly ripe for energy and water efficiency investments. They range from residential neighborhoods with older building stock to local business strips that have not been effectively reached by existing efficiency programs. Draiman will task the Department of Housing and Economic Development, working with the Department of Environment, to locate twelve Energy Efficiency Target Zones that are shown to offer the most ability to perform efficiency upgrades, offer real cost and energy savings, and create jobs in the process.
Select anchor organizations to manage the implementation of the retrofits in each zone
Each zone will have a designated anchor organization that has a demonstrated ability to bring together the diverse business and residential constituents in their neighborhood. The organization will set clear targets for energy savings and jobs created and will help building owners to access funding and workers. They will be responsible for managing the retrofit process and reporting regularly to the city.
Create a $20 million fund to leverage $200 million to finance the upgrades
The city will create a $20 million fund from savings in other economic development, energy and environmental money. The fund will leverage utility money that, by state law, must be spent on increased efficiency and create partnerships with neighborhoods, business groups, utilities and others to significantly increase participation in efficiency programs. Given the available private and governmental funds available for this type of work, the $20 million is expected to leverage an additional $200 million that can be put directly into efficiency upgrades. Funds will be available to support uses including, including enhancing incentives, technical assistance and improving access to capital.
The $20 million cost of this initiative will be fully funded by savings from inefficiencies in other economic development and environmental programs:
  • $9 million from the Water Fund through reduced overhead, reprogramming and energy savings in City pumping and treatment facilities;
  • $11 million from the Community Development Block Grant through reduced overhead and reprogramming dollars;
  • $5.5 million from Recovery Act reprogramming offset by better recovery of State energy money for municipal projects; and
  • $3.5 million from the Department of Environment through reduced overhead and reprogramming of grant and settlement funds
Help all building owners by expediting the development of an online one-stop-shop for building owners
There are currently a range of public and private funding sources to finance weatherization projects, energy efficiency and water conservation upgrades. But for the average home and building owner, navigating the funding terrain is difficult.
The region received money under the Recovery Act to create an online one-stop-shop for building owners to determine where they can access funds. The deployment of this site must be accelerated. Draiman will set a firm deadline for city staff to have a one-stop-shop implemented and in place in the city by the spring of 2014.
A record of spurring energy efficiency enhancements
Draiman was a driving force behind the efforts to promote energy efficiency retrofits in buildings. He led the push for a new rebate program to boost demand for energy efficiency products and installation services. The program would help families save hundreds of dollars a year in energy costs, accelerate job creation in the construction and retail industries, and cut America’s dependence on foreign oil. Draiman also helped educate the public in weatherization and efficiency programs.

financial sustainability begins with Made in America

Americans must wake up and take action to protect our liberty and way of life.

America must rejuvenate itself and become the huge industrial power it once was.

It starts by re-inventing the wheel and building manufacturing facilities in the United States that employ Americans who produce quality goods at a competitive price with space age technology and modernization.

Organized workforce and benefits has to be revamped to meet today's economic conditions.

Government and its bureaucracy must be reduced and streamlined. Rules and regulations must be revamped to be conducive to business growth and development.
This is a must in order to increase employment and bring back America’s economic vitality.
We could try to give tax incentives for products made in America. It brings revenues and employment, reduces financial drain on the government.

"It is cheaper to save energy than make energy"
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022

Good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is YJ Draiman and I am a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles.
I am not a politician. My experience has been in Real estate development, energy conservation - sustainability and utility efficiency.
Tonight’s forum should not be about politics or who is a better politician. This forum should be about the many critical issues confronting the good people of Los Angeles, and how to resolve those issues.
I believe in Democracy, and in a government by the people, FOR the people. The present administration DOES NOT serve the best interest of the people of Los Angeles. I am running for Mayor because now is the time for change; now is the time to stop letting career politicians use the city of Los Angeles as a stepping-stone to further their careers. It is time to restore honesty, integrity, accountability and transparency in government. It is time to put our differences aside, and put an end to special interests which only serve the few. It is time for city hall to serve the best interests of the people of this once great city.
Today’s economic crisis is of utmost concern for all Americans. In these hard economic times, we must unify as a cohesive force to address the need for more jobs, better housing, a healthcare system which works for all; and most importantly, to stop the deterioration of the educational system which is depriving our children of the necessary tools for their, and our future.
Education will rebuild Los Angeles economic sustainability!
I have three words to say to you. EDCATION... EDUCATION... EDUCATION... You want to get ahead in life, you must have education. You want to compete in today’s economy you must have education. You want to provide for you family you must have education.
Education, vocational/trade schools and energy efficiency will be the spearhead to our economic recovery and economic sustainability.
Education will lead to economic progress, bring about innovation and technology, trade schools will help people earn a living, Energy efficiency and Renewable energy will create jobs, save money and resources and make LA energy independent. We all know no society can survive without water and energy. Water & energy conservation used effectively will save the city of LA billions of dollars every year.
Those saved dollars will be used to build and enhance LA’s economic vitality. My profession & expertise for the past 20 years has been in implementing Energy & utility efficiency.
As mayor one of my goals is to utilize my expertise and implement Energy & utility efficiency for the city of LA, while rebuilding our educational system. I will set-up an independent citizen oversight committee on government with members replaced every 2 years.
LA Politicians Stop playing politics
You are dealing with the life and soul and the economic vitality of the city of Los Angeles.
If you are not passionate about your goals to bring back the City of LA to economic prosperity you do not belong in city government. We must be willing to put 110% plus effort to bring about a reversal in LA’ economic fortune. We must bring back confidence in its leadership. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Practice what you say.
This is no time for grandstanding or empty promises, this is a time to stand up and be counted as one of those who are willing to make personal sacrifices for the city of LA. We have serious issues, we need serious people.
All LA City services and resources including education must be distributed equally throughout the city without preferential treatment to any neighborhood.
When Elected as Mayor. It is my intent to rejuvenate the City of Los Angeles as a center of innovation and productivity, a city where we are rebuilding the manufacturing infrastructure. I plan on implementing Energy & utility efficiency. We can produce goods and services at competitive prices and better quality. We must make Los Angeles business friendly, reduce taxes, cut expenses, reduce bureaucracy, streamline regulations, inform all city departments that a new mandate is taking place and that is, it is the city department’s job to cooperate and promote new businesses and help retain existing businesses. All city Workers must increase productivity and efficiency.
Each new business generates employment and revenues, which reduces the burden on the people of Los Angeles.
It will take the full cooperation of the people, businesses, unions and government to achieve this tremendous task.
"Let us take back our city and make it Los Angeles governed by the people for the people"
So let us take off the suits and ties, roll-up our sleeves and get to work.
Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to share my vision of Los Angeles with you.
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022
YJ Draiman’s vision is to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

Los Angeles Economic Development –rev.3
It is time to remake Los Angeles in the image of our boldest vision – a city of healthy communities with good schools and quality education, innovative companies in new and emerging sectors, quality open space, improved public transportation, a range of mobility and housing options; and above all, a prosperous and productive middle class equipped with the skills and education to create a better future.
It is time to get serious about designing a real economic development program linked to investments in healthy communities. I recently proposed to make Los Angeles the World Capital of Renewable Energy, Energy and Water Efficiency. We have the climate, the manpower, the resources and technology. We must promote energy and water efficiency in all sectors of LA’s economy. This by itself can save the city billions and bring many jobs and economic growth into Los Angeles. We should promote real estate gentrification, affordable housing, urban infill building, economic development and clean tech sorted through the parts of redevelopment worth retaining and retooling combined with some newer elements of economic development necessary to realize this vision of healthy communities.
In the past five years many businesses in LA have closed down or moved out. There are many vacant properties (commercial and residential). Many people have moved out of LA. They can not afford the cost of living, the high taxation, the stifling bureaucracy and varied rules and regulations that choke business development.
We have a dysfunctional leadership in Los Angeles, an inefficient workforce, a demand for entitlement, and crippling budget deficits that are creating an environment of uncertainty for many companies who want to hire people, but are afraid to do so. Capital is stagnant and unattainable, frozen by an over swing of regulation and bureaucracy. We want to get Los Angeles working again, yet many of our wounds are self inflicted, as LA bureaucrats go to work every day piling more regulations and taxes onto the very businesses we ask to grow and create more jobs. This situation must change, or we are doomed.
It is imperative that we reverse this trend.
YJ Draiman

Miriam and YJ Draiman
YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles 2022